Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Fun with Grandma

We brought Mom out a couple weekends back so Ralph could go to the Pathway's Men's Retreat. That was my regular weekend to work and we preferred to save our vacation days for when we can do something as a whole family. That was, I felt that way until she got there. Now my staffing office knows, I NEVER ask to be canceled and try to talk them out of it if they need to cancel me. Can I just tell you the whole hospital knew my mom was in town and that I wanted to be canceled in the worst way?! Once she got here and the fact that I hadn't seen her since June set in, I DID NOT want to go in to work. The night shift supervisor even apologized to me that she couldn't cancel me. Like it was her fault I had to work on my regular days. So sweet.

It was wonderful having her here and we had two good days together before I had to go to work and Ralph left. We took the ferry out to Whidbey Island. However, we pretty much had lunch and left as it was raining hard. Rather unusual, usually it just drizzles and isn't a constant heavy rain. That day was unique. It was still a fun outing.

We also had a fun 2nd little 1st birthday party for Zita. I made Chocolate Cupcakes with Bittersweet Glaze from A Home Life  by Molly Wizenberg (aka Orangette). She had presents from both sets of grandparents, Auntie Amanda and the great grandparents. It was, after all, her actual birthday that day.

Of course, I was so much more relaxed about going to work than I would have been otherwise. Mom had everything under control. The girls were thrilled to have her there. Aunt Dawn came up to visit on the Saturday. My mom always amazes me in all she can accomplish. She left my house spotless and managed to organize my disaster of a garage. THANK YOU, Mom!

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