I made this scarf for Amanda. I neglected to take pics prior to giving it to her so you'll have to forgive me. I was very pleased with the results. I had learned to crochet many years ago from my grandmother, picked it up in college and not touched it again until now. The benefit is, I'm a pack rat and saved all my yarn and crochet hooks from the time I picked it up in college. It was all waiting for me in the attic when I got the bug again. (It's times like these that prevent me from ever purging as I did in fact need and use it far in the future from when I originally purchased it!)
Then I used this pattern to make a ball for Nugget's Christmas stocking. It went very fast and was fun to make. It didn't turn out perfect but not bad for a first attempt at crocheting a toy!
I think I have the crafting bug now. I have several projects I'm giving myself a year to work on--Christmas presents for the kids for next year. I also want to make some sort of rag doll for Arwen before Bonzo comes. A dear friend of the family made me a Raggedy Ann that I still have to this day when my sister was born. The Raggedy Ann was my baby like she was Mom's. I need to go through all of my random things I've been saving for a rainy day and see what I can come up with!
How about you? What kind of "bug" has caught you lately? Been crafting? Cooking? Baking? Reading? I'd love to hear what you've been up to!
I'm knitting a baby afgan to try to get ahead. Can you believe I'm all caught up! This one is a little harder so thought it was a good time to do when I don't have to hurry.