Monday, November 09, 2009


Slowly the fog is lifting. Slowly we're coming back from the cold/infections that have had us down for the last week+. Slowly we are recovering from basically going our separate ways for a month. We are reconnecting as a family. We are resting.

Oh, and did I mention, we are DROWNING in housework that I am behind on!

That's ok. I got a call from a friend who is taking a personal day today (we call them mental health days) to enjoy what may be the last nice day of the year. I think I am going to take advantage of her "mental health" day. We shall take the dogs, Nugget and ourselves and go hiking in the park. The house work has waited this long, it can wait a bit longer right?

While we're off to enjoy our return to health and the warm weather, enjoy these pics from Auggie (and Morgan's) dedication.

Nugget playing

Great Grandma, Nugget and Mom

Auggie and Grandpa


The whole family plus godparents


  1. So glad you guys are starting to feel better and that you got out to enjoy a beautiful day!

  2. Fun to see you blogged. Great pics

  3. So sorry to hear you were sick! I'm glad you took advantage of the nice weather. Pretty soon you'll be stuck inside andhave more time on your hands for cleaning than you want!
