Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Real World

I'm back to the real world. The alarm-goes-off-at-0430-in-the-MORNING-work-12.5-hours-in-a-row world, with a stomach ache, I might add. I honestly think nurses are tougher than construction workers. We don't get to stay home over a belly ache or the flu. We just self-diagnose and self-medicate and keep on keeping on. Now, do as I say and not as I do. If you're sick, stay home, drink fluids and go to the doctor if it persists for more than a few days. ;-p

I'm just going to take a few seconds to brag on my husband. He gets up with me at 0430 in the MORNING, makes me a latte, makes me a breakfast smoothie and then drives me to work (the drive me to work part is because we only have one car and don't want a car loan at this time). He then picks me up after work--today he called to say he was at a different door. Do you know why? Because it was raining and this door was covered so I wouldn't get wet! Now he is currently cooking me this dinner. On my days off I cook, but the days I work (and he does too, I might add), he cooks. I have the best husband ever!

Have a great night all!


  1. What a great guy!!! We appreciate you as well, Ralph!! Looked up the recipe too, gonna have to try it!!

  2. Dinner sounded great. You guys work together wonderfully even with a crazy schedule which could make it hard.

  3. I word-YUM!!!! Way to go Ralph!!
