Saturday, May 30, 2009

Thoughts on Disciple Making

I was really challenged by the statement "Many of us have been discipled to Jesus and . . . church practice, doctrine, expectations, specific teacher or denomination were set beside Jesus to help us understand Him" and now we follow them as much as Him. This point was made during our second session in my Simple Church Revolution class. It really challenged me to look at how I disciple and to see if I do that. From a lot of the reading I've done this week, I've been challenged to see that these new disciples in other cultures just take the Bible and run with it. We, on the other hand, take the Bible and enter name of book here to explain it to us. That challenged me in a good way. It really made me look at if I believe in the sufficiency of God's Word in my life and if I truly trust the Holy Spirit to use it to guide me without any other crutches/resources. I'm not saying other resources are bad or wrong, just that I can be too dependent on them at times. I want my dependence to be more on the Word of God and His Spirit alone.

What comes to your mind when you read that statement? Does it challenge you? Encourage you? What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. Challenging indeed! I think I tend to use other resources to make the Bible more clear to me. But, really, what more do I need than the promptings of the Holy Spirit? I agree that other books have a place, but we shouldn't be reading 5 minutes of scripture and 30 min of so called book. That's an easy trap to fall into. I know I have in the past.
