Sunday, January 20, 2008

Chaos Controlled

I feel like chaos has ruled our home since we got back from MN. Almost a month after the fact Christmas is finally packed up in our home. I still have a few little matters of organization to work out but our home has been returned to normal. My poor husband, who has not had a day off at all this week—worked 6 days straight, spent the whole day with me cleaning and organizing. Bless him! We both feel so much more rested in our home as a result.


Tonight was another wonderful HC. Jeff and Sarah's "goal" for the month of January was to have us as a collective read through the entire book of Acts. We made it to chapter 20 this week. It was a night of great discussion and insight. I think one of the main points we all took away was how committed the early Church was. They were beaten, stoned, thrown in prison but that was life and they were going to tell people about Jesus anyway. End of discussion. Are we that committed? Are we willing to suffer just to make sure people know who Jesus is? Would we be followers of Christ if that was the way it was for us? What is God asking us to do that may be "hard" that we are avoiding? Are we taking care of each other's needs and encouraging each other without hesitating? I pray that we can all spend time evaluating ourselves with the Lord this week and let Him work in us so that we can answer these questions in a way that honors Him.


I was reading Genesis 16 tonight and struck by what God asked Hagar to do. He asked her to go back to her bad situation where she was being mistreated and submit to the person who was mistreating her. Basically, He told her He would help her and be with her but she needed to face her problem head on and change her attitude. I am really bad about this. I really like the whole run-away-from-bad-things routine. I don't submit to mean people well. Now, I don't think that this is what God calls us to every time and in every circumstance but I do need to work on my attitude more and "run" less. I thank God for being so patient with me and willing to help me be more like Him. We serve a good God.

1 comment:

  1. Those are such good questions, we take a lot for granted as Christians today, especially in America. We need to be more willing to be "out there" even when it is not the most popular thing to do. Thank you so much for sharing and challenging.

    Glad you got your chaos under control! (-:
